Benaroya Hall Rules
Benaroya Hall has only a few basic rules, although they’re subject to alteration at any time. Please be courteous to your fellow visitors and follow the house policies, so that everyone can enjoy the entertainment experience in comfort and safety.
Security staff will be patrolling the venue and are within their rights to search your bags. Please comply with any instructions they give you for operational or emergency procedures.
Arrive on Time
Please plan to arrive 20-30 minutes before a concert begins, allowing time for parking. Latecomers will not be permitted into the show once the performance starts. The Samuel & Althea Stroum Grand Lobby contains a video monitor that allows late patrons to hear and see the performance onstage. During certain pauses in the performance, late patrons may be admitted.
Benaroya Hall Prohibited Items
The following items and/or behaviors are not permitted inside Benaroya Hall:
- Weapons
- Illegal substances
- Outside food or beverages, except only water
- Any audio or video recording equipment
- Large bags or backpacks
- Children under 5 unless for family events
- Animals, except service animals
No smoking is allowed anywhere in the Benaroya Hall, either tobacco products or substitutes such as e-cigarettes. Smoking is also not permitted within 25 yards of the building entrances.
If you’re late or leave the performance for any reason, you’ll only be allowed back in during an intermission or appropriate seating intervals.
You must turn off all electronic devices before the music begins, including beepers and watch alarms. No use of phones for any purpose is permitted during the performance.
You mustn’t come into Benaroya Hall with any strong fragrances, scents or other odors.
You mustn’t create any noise or disturbance during a performance (unless it’s a rock concert), i.e. no talking, whispering, fidgeting with belongings, humming, singing, etc.
Entry will be refused to anyone appearing overly intoxicated.
Permitted Items
You may bring some items with you, as long as you keep to the general house policies.
bag policy
You may bring personal bags into the auditoriums, provided they’ll fit comfortably on your lap or under your seat. Larger bags may be checked at the coat check facility.
food & drink policy
You may bring bottled water into the auditorium, but all other food and drinks must be purchased and consumed in the appropriate areas.
animal policy
Service animals are permitted for those requiring assistance.
photography policy
The use of cameras, mobile phones, or recording devices of any kind is strictly prohibited. Please ensure that all electronic devices are turned off and remain off throughout the duration of the performance.
parking policy
On-site parking at this venue is limited, so you should park locally or use public transit. Please see our Parking page for more details.
hildren policy
Children of five (5) years and older are welcome, but they must have a valid ticket.
Children under 5 are welcome to Tiny Tots and Family Concerts, with a valid ticket.
Please be kind to your fellow concert-goers and comply with these rules. Benaroya Hall reserves the right to deny you admission or eject you from the concert halls if you violate their policies.